We’ve been calling the unborn little lady by the nickname “Princess Mozzarella.” I really don’t know how this got started. It was a joke and just stuck. I don’t think we’re going to be revealing the real name prior to her birth, even when we figure it out, so don’t get your hopes up, interested parties!

I’m not really a girly girl (though there’s nothing wrong with being one). I think I shocked some of the ladies at knit night when they saw me in a fuchsia dress. It was that or a black dress in that style…I like color, ok? I hope that calling our unborn bean “Princess Mozzarella” doesn’t make people think that we want a spoiled little pretentious ruffle-wearing future queen. It just sounds ridiculous, and since many things that happen during pregnancy/parenting seem ridiculous…why not? Anyway, check out this yarn:

I’m thinking it’s going to make a perfect Pinwheel Baby Blanket. I made one of these before for some great friends that were expecting at the time. Sadly, I forgot to take a finished shot, but it was lovely.

I haven’t abandoned my Curve Hem Top. I am determined to finish that before I let myself cast on a blanket. I’m at the front after the divide for the v-neck, closing in on the last few inches. After that, I just have the collar and sewing it up! I’m hoping to finish by Tuesday or Wednesday, making the whole project a week and a half venture. My Honeybee Cardigan is still languishing in her project bag, not because it’s not a fun knit, but because the thinking-and-making-me-look-at-it part was taking away from my reading Feast for Crows. I can’t wait to start this Pinwheel though, so I’d better get finish with that top!