Today is the 6th anniversary of my blog! I can’t believe how much has changed in the past year or two, and I feel like a quite different person from when I started this blog. I think all of your body cells regenerate every 7 years or so, so next year at this time I will be different at the cellular level even…

Okay, enough geekiness. I’m really happy to have this format to express myself. I’m still flattered and astounded that people read my blog on a regular basis. I’m grateful for the friendships (distance or in-person) that blogging has led to in my life. All in all, it has been a wonderful experience and a fun way to share my most passionate hobby with others.

I got excited and felt like I should have a pattern release to go with this occasion, so here is a new hat.

It’s called Quotidian, which is a synonym for “daily”. I have lots of hats in my wardrobe, but nothing that was simple enough in design to go with most things I wear, light enough to wear indoors, and so easy in the knitting that it was more like a meditation.

I also love that it’s unisex, so I got to take pictures of Matt instead of the other way around for once. Now I just have to keep him from stealing it…

It’s made with Classic Elite Yarns Fresco. I love how incredibly soft this yarn is when you knit with it. It’s a snuggly little hug for your head and it only takes one ball to knit this hat, so it’s also an inexpensive project. It’s simple to make and appropriate for all knitting levels.

I’m selling it on Ravelry. You can learn more about it here or purchase it. .

As an additional celebration of the blogiversary I’m going to make all of my patterns 20 percent off for the rest of the month. Thanks for being a reader! No coupon code is necessary. The discount will automatically apply from now until midnight on the 31st.