I have a couple of quick announcements. Thank very much to all that donated to the Four Finger Fundraiser. They’re still taking donations, so feel free to give. I did promise that I would draw from the list of donations today. Allison won the Noro Kureyon sock yarn and Michelle won the Gaslight Dyeworks Merino Seacell sock yarn. I hope both of you ladies love the yarn.

Also, I cleaned up the blog appearance a little bit. The changes aren’t big, but there are a few more things on the sidebar and the background color is more like Delphinium Blue, which, according to the Colorstrology book and site, is a color I should surround myself with to increase “trust and ease in love and finances.” I’ve had the book for awhile now, and it’s just for fun.  I do happen to LOVE Delphinium Blue as well, so I thought I’d change the background color. I would like to do a more serious overhaul and make the whole thing more fancy at some point, but I’ll have to wait until I have more time to devote to the planning (and figuring out) of such a venture.


Screenshot taken from colorstrology.com

I also really enjoyed reading stories about how some of you learned to knit on this post. I believe knitting is such a unique craft that bonds us together as we learn from each other and are inspired by each others’ abilities and projects. I can’t remember how many people I’ve taught to knit. I’m guessing it’s at least over 15 people. I know they’re not all knitting anymore, but I keep trying to make more knitting zombies anyway.