I’m back at working on Aperture Shawl after a break to solely focus on Over the Top Top. While Over the Top Top (what a mouthful) is blocking, Aperture Shawl has moved back into my field of attention. I really enjoy working on this and can’t wait to see how it turns out. Colinette Jitterbug is one of my favorite yarns. It has a very round structure and I love the subtle color variation up close. The color variations are not captured well in this picture, so I will try harder to catch them when I take finished photos.

The pattern is also extremely easy to follow. Once you have the rhythm of the pattern down on these charts you really only have to look at the beginning, very middle, and ends of the row on the chart to figure out. And even then, I think if I had been working on this more solidly that could become intuitive as well.

I am making the smaller shawl size. If this is as gorgeous as I think it might be, I may make the larger one someday. Ok, back to some knitting and bingeing of Orange is the New Black on my lunch break…