Sock crazy

Sock crazy

I’m sock crazy over here this week. My LYS just got some Regia Design Line by Arne and Carlos. I’ve been lusting after this yarn since I saw it on their Facebook page in March. The owner, Cynthia, called me on my birthday and said she had just gotten it in...
Yarn surprises!

Yarn surprises!

I got a package in the mail last week from Carina! It was incredibly sweet of her. She emailed me and said she had a little baby present and wanted to send me some Regia since she knew I was also a Regia lover. She lives in Germany and sent me four skeins. I’m...

Moved (mostly).

I’m hanging in there this week, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be less stressful than last week. Matt and I had a big surprise when we went to see the doctor on Tuesday and she said I’m already 3-4 cm dilated and 70 percent effaced, so the...

Oh, Canada

My xmas knitting has gone more smoothly than I anticipated. Don’t hate me if you’re scrambling and stressing. I’m only knitting small things for immediate family members because a).  I’m kinda selfish about knitting and b).  I don’t want...

Tall socks

Finished stripers for Drew, originally uploaded by casystotyle. Can’t stop posting the FOs, but if I don’t do it now I’ll put it off forever. More Regia self-striping. Super anal about the stripes matching up. Not much more to say. I was happy with...