Brain exhaustion

I made it through my dissertation proposal! I can begin my somewhat altered study. Phew. Thank goodness. My brain is tired and I’d like to send it on vacation for a little while. Stockinette usually helps with this, so I think a few rows of that might do the...

Pop of color

It’s been rainy and somewhat dreary here, but since it’s summer it feels like you’re walking through hot water when it’s not rain with the absurd level of humidity. I am grateful that we’re getting more rain than last year, because rain...

Fraternal twins.

I have had these socks on the needles since the beginning of December. I was perusing WEBS for some hard-wearing self-striping yarn for another pair of socks for Matt, and I stumbled upon (or went looking, rather) for more yarns for me, since the yarn I found for him...