The lovely owl pictured below is Patty Mayonnaise. She lives at the African Lion Safari in Ontario and is lucky enough to get to go home with my friend Greg a couple of times a week.


You might have guessed that the birds of prey folks at ALS have an affinity for the cartoon Doug, for those of you that remember it. It was recently discovered that Patty (the owl) is actually a fella.


The socks are Opal’s self-striping sock yarn in the Toucan colorway. Greg does not work with toucans on a regular basis, but I thought a bird-appropriate colorway would be suitable. If only they made one in spectacle owl… maybe I’ll have to create that myself.  When Patty grows up she’s going to look like this:


That’s Cleveland. He’s incredibly sweet. He makes this freaky little cooing noise when you pet him. I wasn’t sure if it was a  good or bad thing, but Greg reassured me it was good. He’s one of the few owls there that loves to be pet, and he also had the luxury of being the office owl. I think a spectacle owl colorway would be just lovely.

I just got back from Canada and had so much fun! I went to Lettuce Knit and ran into Laura, aka Cosmicpluto. I was a little bit starstruck to see a blogger in person! Especially one whose blog and designs I really admire. I was only there for about three and a half days, but it was a wonderful getaway. I will blog soon with more details about the trip and a pic of the Minimalist Cardigan progress.