Yes, I went there. Cheesiest title I could think of in the moment. These delicious little foot warmers are my favorite project right now. They’re a men’s size 10.5 and I don’t know exactly what I will do with them when done. They might be my favorites thus far, and it’s killing me that I didn’t make them in my size. They’re set to have some white stripes further up on the cuff. The yarn is Koigu and is this magical golden color in the sunlight and an olive green indoors.

This photo, by M. Taylor Long, will be used by my LYS, Hand Held to advertise a class on two-at-a-time-magic-loop-toe-up-with-a-heel-flap socks. I’m teaching this class starting on October 10th and for two additional alternating weekends. If you’re in the area and want to take a class, come on in! It’s my first time to teach a knitting class and I’m really excited. I might even make cookies for the first class.


This is my favorite way to make socks, and I alter nearly every pattern I come across to conform to my ways.

In other knitting news… I just bought some Colinette Point 5, a thick and thin yarn, in a lovely color called “Wasabi Squeeze.” The color is pretty accurate on that link. I’m thinking some kind of triangular scarf is in order. They seem to be all over the place in a good way right now. Still trudging along on the Minimalist Cardi. Just can’t seem to get up the excitement to work on a sweater back right now. I also finished a quick incarnation of the Mustard Hat (Ravelry link) for my friend Tyler’s 25th birthday. Pics are soon to follow. The Ravelry pic featured is actually my hat! I’ve made this hat at least 6 times for myself or others. It knits up pretty quickly and the fisherman’s rib design seems to be snug and warm.

Grad school is rearing its head once again as the semester kicks off. It’s shaping up to be much better than I thought, aside from the nasty statistics class that is merely one of six that I am required to take with the program. I know it’s for the best and will help me finely hone my researching skills at some point, but right now it seems dismal. Argh. My advanced marriage and family class is going to be wonderful and even the advanced individual appraisal class is surprising me with goodness. I guess it’s fall, folks.