I was thinking about knitting during the summertime. Most people associate knitting time with the winter. It’s cold then. You want to be with some snuggly wool, knitting it as fast as you can to make something to keep you warm. It makes sense. Well, I live in Fayetteville, Arkansas, which is pretty far south in the United States and it gets hot here. This week the temperatures are in the mid 90s Fahrenheit, which is about 35 degrees for you Celsius folks. This feels like no fun at all for my rapidly growing personal human-incubation-station. I have been staying indoors, with the air conditioning pointed at me, while knitting the time away watching mindless TV or listening to past episodes of The Knitmore Girls Podcast. Right now I only go outside when I have to, to get somewhere else that is probably air conditioned. The heat is also a reason why mornings are my favorite time of the day in the summer. The world has been slightly cooler and dark for about 8 hours and takes a little while to heat up.

Well, I made another Ishbel! This one is for my lovely friend, Susan. She has a birthday coming up next week. I’m really bad at waiting for the actual events to give gifts to people when I’m excited about it. The yarn is Dream in Color Smooshy in Strange Harvest (color 130). Obviously, this pattern has been a little addictive for me. I was feeling uninspired a couple of weeks ago when I got to work at my LYS and after walking around the store a couple of times this yarn started yelling at me and saying things like, “Hey, remember how much you admired this color before? Your friend, Susan, loves this color! Make another Ishbel.” So that’s how it all went down.

Susan is a woman that has a great appreciation for handmade items, so it’s very fun to give her knitted things. Susan, I hope you have a FANTASTIC birthday next Friday (the 6th).

While I might not be knitting on heavy sweaters, this seems like the perfect time for socks and other light garments. Maybe the heat is why I so often crave knitting socks in the summer and can’t pick up the Endless Baby Blanket all that often. That same day at work some of the sock yarn started talking to me, and that’s how these got started. I’m at the cuff ribbing, so they’ll soon be a finished object to be posted!

*Edited to add: I meant to note earlier (for those that like to know more exact amounts about yarn) that I had 27.3 grams of the Smooshy left out of the 113 gram ball.