I’m hanging in there this week, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be less stressful than last week. Matt and I had a big surprise when we went to see the doctor on Tuesday and she said I’m already 3-4 cm dilated and 70 percent effaced, so the baby could come at any time now. We were not prepared for that kind of statement, and after our heads nearly exploded we went into panic prep mode. We packed the bags for the hospital, and ran a few of the remaining baby-related errands, while taking turns melting into stress puddles. The doctor said to rest as much as possible to avoid early labor. I am doing this diligently, though I’m back at work today. I work in a library, at a quiet desk, so I think this will be ok. I also have talked to my boss about working from home if need be for some of the remaining two weeks of my contract. I’ll be 37 weeks next Monday, so I’m just hoping for full term at this point.

We also completed 98% of the move on Saturday and Sunday. My parents were a tremendous help with this. My dad and Matt moved all of the things that the movers did not, and my mom cleaned almost the entire house much better than I would have done even when not in this condition. I don’t know how we would have done it without them. While the movers were there getting the furniture, my mom and I escaped to a new local creperie for some peace. I worked on these:

The yarn is Regia, in the World Ball Color series. The colors are supposed to represent Argentina. At my LYS we had Argentina or Germany, and I opted for the blue and white. These will be a gift for my brother. I’m almost certain he doesn’t read my blog, so I think it’s safe to mention that here. He is the one with the size 13 feet. I’m still looking for precise toe to heel and toe to front of ankle bone measurements if anyone has them, cm preferred. Otherwise, I’ve seen online that the total foot length for size 13 feet is approximately 11.69 inches. Yipes!

In the limited things I could do for packing, one of them was discarding old spices from the spice shelves. I threw 2/3 of them away, gleefully. The tin above had a sticker on it from 1974. Time for that mustard to be retired, don’t you think? I kept the tin, because I think it’s kind of neat. Matt inherited that from his grandma. I would swear that most of his spices were probably almost that old, so they went straight into the bin. I’m really enjoying throwing things out and donating them lately. Catharsis!

I finished my latest Tuxedos, but I haven’t had a spare moment or proper floor space to photograph them yet. They’re coming soon…

If you’re participating in the Ravellenic Games, good luck! I couldn’t add one more thing to my plate, but if I finish those size 13 socks by the end of the Olympics I’m going to feel special anyway.