Lace knitters out there know this already, but it feels like sweet sweet victory when you take that rumpled and wrinkled mess of yarn you’ve been working on and stretch it out with blocking. In my case I can just stick a foot in it.

These socks are Bell Flower Boogie by Julie Nandorfy. I’m making this with Regia Silk in color 55 “Artikblau”. I’ve had this in my stash for a couple of years. It’s really soft, but I’ve made so many things this color lately. I’m giving this away as a present soon, so it won’t be just aqua, turquoise, and seafoam TAKING OVER MY KNITTED WARDROBE, I swear.

I’m doing them both at once, of course. The lace is pretty easy to do sans chart after about one repeat. The pattern is free and actually written to be toe-up so I didn’t even have to transform it.

I think I’m going to have to do some cuff-down socks soon because I purchased the Knit.Sock.Love e-book last night and those socks are worth changing my ways for. That woman (Cookie A) is a friggin’ genius! They all blow my mind. Those are the kinds of socks that could keep a girl up at night.