matt stripe sock-2

Here is a quick update on another project I’ve had on the needles for awhile. I started these back in November with some Lorna’s Laces Shepard Sock in the Roadside Gerry colorway I’ve had in my stash since at least 2008. The stripes look really good in Matt’s size sock (72 stitches). I tried them in my size with 64 stitches and there was some icky pooling of the stripes. They worked well at 60 stitches, but I thought I might not like the narrowness of them. I turned them into a belated Christmas gift for Matt and tried to work on them secretly until just a couple of days before Christmas. Then I let the cat out of the bag, because I’m horrible with waiting to give people good surprises.

matt stripe sock

I love the colors. I am getting ready to be done with these though. With the stockinette socks, once I turn the heel and get through the gusset decreases I get antsy while working on the leg. I love having at least one pair of the socks on the needles for easy project portability.

I just remembered I have another pair languishing somewhere… Maybe I have more things on the needles than I think…