What would you do if you lost your index finger on your dominant hand and your family depended on your crafting skills as a main livelihood? I can’t imagine how devastating and stressful that would be. This happened to man in my town (Fayetteville, AR) and he and his family are trying to raise funds to help them with medical bills and basic needs through this stressful time. They’ve received a ton of art and craft donations to sell to help their cause. If you’re feeling altruistic and/or feel like purchasing some new art, jewelry, totes, tea towels, or badass sunglasses, please check out their shop.

You can read more about their story by clicking on the image below, or you can check out the shop directly here. If you don’t need any new stuff, but you just feel like making a donation, there is a PayPal link at the bottom of the page.


To provide a little extra incentive, I’ll give away some of my stash yarn to entice you. If you make a donation or purchase from their shop, please email me at cassyATknitthehelloutDOTcom and let me know you made a donation. You don’t have to tell me how much, and I’ll trust that you did it, because I believe karma will bite you back if you’re dishonest. I’ll draw a name next Wednesday (March 20th). I’ll use a random generator and pick two people that donated to receive either this:

Kureyon Sock Yarn in color S95.

Kureyon Sock Yarn in color S95.

or this:

Gaslight Dyeworks Merino Seacell Sock in Blush

Gaslight Dyeworks Merino Seacell Sock in Blush