first scarf

I think I learned to knit around April of 2004. I was living in Lawrence, KS and working at a restaurant called Tellers. I remember waiting on a woman one night that was eating alone. I struck up a conversation with her. She was in town on business and said she was excited to visit Yarn Barn, an LYS right down the street from my apartment and the restaurant. I think I mentioned that I had thought about learning to knit before, and she encouraged me to visit the shop. Her excitement was infectious and it definitely piqued my curiosity about learning to knit. I’m grateful that I had this conversation, and I know that I must speak with equal fervor all the time to non-knitters that are curious about learning.

I first learned from Stitch n’ Bitch, but I went into Yarn Barn to confirm that I was knitting correctly. I remember purchasing some mustard yellow Lamb’s Pride Worsted and some size 8 16″ circular Inox needles.  I guess I’ve had a think for mustard yarn since the beginning. It took me a couple of years before I got up the gumption to try knitting in the round. Back then, I didn’t have a knowledgeable cadre of knitting friends to help me with new techniques, and I think this was still at the beginning of knitting’s recent revival.

The yarn above is some Sugar n’ Cream from Hobby Lobby. I just held three strands together and made a garter stitch scarf. It was definitely my first project and I gave it to my mom. She still uses it. When she was at my house this week I decided I should take a picture of it and share it since it was pre-Ravelry and pre-blog days. I’m happy that it lives on.

What inspired you to learn to knit? What was your first project?