citronI think I’m falling hard for a new hue. I’ve been into red-oranges lately, and this yarn just begged me to knit it. Maybe it’s all the delicious blood oranges I’ve been eating lately…

The fiber is mink yarn, Mimi by Lotus in Orange (color 13). I think I picked it up and thought about buying it almost every time I went into Hand Held for the last couple of months. I’m surprised I held out so long.

Do you recognize this shawl? As I’m writing this there are 10,696 of them on Ravelry. It’s Citron. I’m now on the 4th section, through one more ruffle than shown in the picture below. The first bit flies by, but I know it’s going to sloooooooooowwwww down soon. I love the feel and color of the yarn so much that I don’t care at all. At least that’s how I feel right now.

citron-2I plan on making one extra repeat. I have 990 yards of yarn. I think that will safely get me a 6th repeat, but I’m not sure about a 7th. I’m also not sure about my patience holding out for a 7th, and I might not need a shawl that big. We’ll see what happens. I’m going to get back to those sleeves soon. I just needed more me knitting time right now.