
I had my doubts about this little number after I finished it. It was heavenly to work on while I was knitting it, but when I finished I wasn’t sure that it actually fit into my wardrobe. I think I have changed my mind and I love it. I kept trying to coordinate a time for photographs with Matt, but our schedules were hectic, or there was rain, etc., so I convinced my lovely friend Jenni to model for me.


This is the first semi-circular shawl I’ve knitted. My favorite style to wear is a triangular shawl. I just love they way they drape when I wear them. I was a little unsure about Lady Citron (as she shall be named henceforth since she comes from such a fine mink background). I wore her for my oral exams last week draped casually over one shoulder (shown above), and it felt like I was wearing a power tie.


I don’t often wear shawls draped over my back and shoulders. It feels like I should be dressed up for that. Lady Citron is very very cozy. As soon as I finished Citron, the weather started warming significantly, so aside from evening or early morning outings she might not be worn much right now. Of course, there are always opportunities in the overly-air conditioned campus buildings from time to time.

Fayetteville has its very own knitting statue next to the Walton Arts Center. This lady really takes over the bench with her purse contents.

Citron-6Jenni noticed that her strand of yarn is broken. The knitter is probably going to be irked when she discovers that…
