This is my Nuvem thus far. I’m on the fourth color in about a week and a half of sole focus. That’s 708 yards down. This next color contrast is not as stark, but I think it will balance well in blending to brown tones.
One of my trusted advisors likes to say, “The world is ruthlessly neutral.” I like to sit and think about that phrase sometimes. I don’t know if it’s true, but it’s interesting to think about.
Neutrality can also be soft and very beautiful, especially when you knit it with and alpaca and bamboo blend.
I am currently working on the ruffle to Nuvem. I keep nodding off with tedium. I need to find something gripping to watch so I can finish those last few rounds. I NEED it off my needles. I think your colour changing version is much more interesting than my sea of sage green.
Ohhhh…the ruffle. I know that’s going to be hard when I get there. I don’t even want to count my stitches because I think the number will overwhelm me, already.
Wow, your Nuvem looks so cozy… 🙂
It is so far. I can’t wait to get it off the needles and give it a big snuggle.
I like thinking of such a soft and lovely blanket blanket as being ruthlessly neutral. Making everyone cozy, whether they like it or not!
Hahahah. Yes. “I will keep you warm!”
Wow, you are flying on this!
I don’t reach for neutrals very often, but I’m usually glad when I do. You can wear them with any and everything.
Me too. Aqua is practically a neutral in my closet. I think I’ll like this a lot though.
I love these colors together– there’s something really soft and comforting about the combination.
Thank you!
I’m in love with your yarn…! The colors are gorgeous!
It’s great yarn. I highly recommend it!
I have to agree all the other posters your project is gorgeous, the colors are amazing. You are making amazing progress on this and the changes in color are just great.
Thank you so much. The soft yarn and the changing colors are keeping me going. I don’t know if I would be quite as motivated if it were a solid color.
Wow, that’s going fast! Impressive.
Thanks! I’m trying to get a single ball of color done every 2-4 days.
Mmmmm love some alpaca! Looks lovely!
This is a soft and gorgeous yarn to work with. I can’t wait to wrap it around myself. I wish there was a better way to get to do that or see how large this is w/o taking it off the needles!
Haha, that’s the only thing I really don’t like about big stuff like shawls. You have to wait for the final reveal! (I might not be super patient)
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I love your take on Nuvem. Can’t wait to see the finished shawl.
I can’t wait to wear it! My office feels like sitting in a refrigerator!
Haha! Same here, but outside it’s 48C so no use wearing any woolly handknit.