I made it through my dissertation proposal! I can begin my somewhat altered study. Phew. Thank goodness. My brain is tired and I’d like to send it on vacation for a little while. Stockinette usually helps with this, so I think a few rows of that might do the trick.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, my mom’s socks were patiently waiting for a photo moment.

moms socksThe yarn is Zauberball Crazy in colorΒ 1537 Orange, Red, Teal, Black. It pretty much does all the talking.

moms socks-2Even though my cats live outside, we are somehow never free of little cat hairs. Never.

moms socks-3I used most of the yarn. I think I probably have about 5 grams left, because sometimes you just need to bind off and be done. It was fun to watch the patterns emerge. That is all.