If you’re not into looking at a gagillion cute kiddo pictures, turn away now. I warned you. I finished up the knitting on this yesterday, weaved in all my ends, and sewed the name tag into the sweater too. You’re looking at Z’s Abate:abate-3The pictures are a little darker and grainier than I’d like, but I wanted to get pics of her in this before she wore it out and about, so these happened in the early morning. She’s a mover and a shaker, so I did what I could. The yarn is Classic Elite Renaissance. It’s discontinued, but I had this sitting in my stash, part of it knit into another sweater, and I decided it was just the thing for Abate.


This is a pretty simple and straightforward knit. One of my mods was to do one less raglan increase so that this might fit Z a little better this year, even though the smallest size is a 2 yr size with several inches of positive ease. I’m all about the positive ease on baby garments. Let’s make them fit for more than 5 minutes, shall we? I also left off 1/2 inch of the sleeve length. abate-6I wasn’t 100% thrilled with my seaming job on the neck, but that kind of thing might relax with blocking. I didn’t block anything here. I just stuck it on the kiddo.

abate-2This is the kind of sweater that asks, “Hey, do you want to be WARM?” It looks so comfy and cozy. I’m seriously considering the adult version for myself, one of these days.


I finished the body awhile back, but then in the midst of the sleeves I realized I had omitted about an inch of length and missed hip decreases on the body. I could have left it as is, but I went back and fixed it because I wanted the length to be proportional to the sleeves fit-wise in the future, that is, I don’t want her to outgrow the body length before the sleeve length. I’m glad I did.


I had been picking this up at night when I’m too tired to focus on anything other than rhythmic knitting. Next up is a Latte Baby Coat for Z, as well as more hats, more socks, and anything that keeps her warm. Right now Nanook is at that point in a top-down sweater where the yoke is bigger and bigger, so the rows are longer and longer, and it feels like I’m getting nowhere. As soon as I get to separate sleeves I think it will fly by again.

Happy Wednesday!