I whipped up more baby socks. This is my toe-up toddler sock pattern, with a 1×1 rib for the cuff this time. Z needs more socks as it gets colder! My title is inspired by The Knitmore Girls Operation Sock Drawer. Z had just one pair of socks until today. I feel like 4-5 is a good number to get her through this winter. Wool socks can be worn a few times without washing for non-stinky kiddo feet. Sometimes I wear my own for more than one day at a time…shhhh. Wool is pretty self-cleaning and dirt resistant.

kiddo kicks

These were made using leftover yarn from her Pinwheel Baby Blanket. It’s Dream in Color Knitosophy in Princess. I’m starting to get really excited about sock leftovers now that I see them as potential kiddo socks! It seemed absurdly difficult to try to capture a picture of them on her feet, but one of these days I’ll get her to slow down and hold still for more than a second. She’s newly walking and is ready to zoom all over the place.

Those socks went off the needles, and these immediately went on: kiddo kicks-2The yarn is Anzula Squishy, leftover from my Earlybird socks. This yarn is so so so heavenly. I held off wearing my Earlybirds because they seemed too precious, and I’ve since started and they’re amazingly soft. I had about 25 grams left of the yarn, so I’m making a pair of plain socks for Z. Operation warm baby feet!