My New Girl skirt is not finished, but I’m nearing the finish on it soon.  I thought I should do an update on it, so here is where I am:new girl-6

I went with the Marina colorway for the contrast color.  It just kept sticking out as the color choice that would work best with my wardrobe, and it was the clear option for use with some highlighter yellow tights I’m itching to wear with this girl-4

I’m working the daisy stitch portion of the skirt.  It’s definitely slower than stockinette, and requires me to look down at the knitting, but I think it’s a nice decorative element to the skirt and it will probably provide some structure to the lower portion.  I will be omitting the daisy stitch near the pockets because I like the sleeker look of them without adornment, like this Raveler’s example.  Angela is ahead of me on this KAL.  Last I heard,  she  was already working on making her pocket bags, but I bet she’s done by now!new girl-5

This thing still looks huge, but I’m keeping the faith that elastic will work wonders.  I hope there will still be a few days to wear this when I finish. Spring is wildly unpredictable temperature-wise where I live, so I’m guessing that I will wear it a few times.