Remember the Peachick Eyes Cardigan?  It wasn’t seeing much love with my obsessive knitting on Cocktail(Dress).  Well, sometimes I like to knit while I walk to work in the morning when the weather is nice.  I can do this with stockinette projects that are mostly auto-pilot knitting, because I don’t have to look at them while knitting.  The Peachick was going to be my walk-and-knit project since the dress was getting too large for this.  When I walk and knit, it makes me walk a little more slowly, but it’s a lovely time to walk at a leisurely pace with all of the gorgeous flowering trees on my walk to work.

Monday I planned on walking and knitting, but I ended up having less time to walk than I planned, so I wasn’t able to do both.  Monday went by with me taking no breaks and it wasn’t until the end of the day when I was packing up my bag that I noticed my knitting was missing.  I was flabbergasted.  I realized with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that the cardigan must have fallen out of my bag somewhere on the way to work.  M was giving me a ride home and we re-traced most of my walking route.peachick beating

Luckily, I found the project near the park I walk through on the way, on the sidewalk.  Matt spotted it just when I was about to give up.  It looks like it might have been trampled on a bit, but I think it will be fine with a wash and some defuzzing.  In a way, it was also fortunate that I didn’t realize the project was gone until the very end of the day, because I only had to mourn its potential loss for about 20 minutes.  This is a good lesson for me to zip my overstuffed bag, or just carry a bigger bag.  I’m just grateful it was recovered.