The TTTKAL finished yesterday and I was thisclose to finishing a second project for it, but I didn’t quite make it.  It looks like there is a poll on Shannon’s blog to extend the KAL, but for now here’s what I’ve got: driftwoodThis color is amazing and photographs quite differently in varying light conditions.  This morning there is the perfect amount of diffuse light from partly cloudy skies, so I feel like I got an accurate depiction.

driftwood-2I got to just barely start the shoulder shaping, and I’m a mere couple of inches from finishing, but I gave up at 10:30 last night knowing there was no way I’d get to finish and seam by midnight.  Plus, I do love sleep.

The top is called Driftwood Tee, and I’m actually using the yarn called for in the pattern, Manos Serena.  That’s a bit of a rarity for me.  This yarn is fabulously soft.  Even if I didn’t finish a second top for the TTTKAL, the experience was hugely motivating in terms of sticking to one project and avoiding delays on finishing. I’m hours away from having another summer top, and it’s one I could even wear to work.

Yesterday I learned how you can find out your Ravelry number.  I’m member number 60,936.  Pretty cool.  Check out that link to find your own.  Screen Shot 2014-05-29 at 8.02.53 AM