IMG_20141015_182333Guess who put on her sweater?! We gave her the choice between this and her Little Sister’s dress yesterday and she chose the Like Sleeves! Hurrah! IMG_20141015_182240These are less than stellar phone pics, but the kid is a blur. I did what I could. As you can see, this thing is huge and will probably fit her till she’s 5. I made the 3/4 size. IMG_20141015_182345It completely escaped my attention that she really only has two tunics and one pullover that really fit right now. I’m thinking I should make the focus of NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater in a Month that happens in November) knitting her as many sweaters as I can. Of course I might try to make some kind of adult sweater during that time too, just because I’m a crazy person.

Also, in celebration of the upcoming sweater months and NaKniSweMo, for the next week (till end of day Oct. 22nd) I’m putting my sweater patterns for 20% off! That includes Articulation, Bespoken, Little Roarer, and Ruffaluffagus. Use the code NAKNISWEMO14 as a coupon code in your cart to apply the discount.