I’ve been a little quiet on the blog because I’ve been working on a totally secret project that I can probably talk about in a few days, and Matt’s gargantuan brown sweater (which is thankfully at the sleeves). I had to rip out about 10″ of Matt’s sweater when I made him try it on and it was at least 5″ too big in the chest. Uh, whoops. Don’t get cocky about gauge swatches with garments, people. That’s for another post.

Anyway, this is a little project due on Christmas that I cast on last night. It’s a Howlcat I’m whipping up for my brother. He lives in Minnesota, so the double layered wool hat will suit him well. I have a good chunk of knitting time today and tomorrow, so I’m hoping to get it finished quickly. howlcatI’m using a leftover ball of Cascade 220 Superwash in Summer Sky and I have some Knit Picks Essential sock yarn in a brown that will make the other layer. Superwash seems safest for my baby (30 yr old) brother.

Will I finish this and Matt’s Ease before Christmas? We shall see. Perhaps if I can skip blocking…