I really meant to keep working on my Breezy Cardigan. I had good intentions. Then I remembered I’d be going to St. Louis and would see a good college friend who is also pregnant and due just a few days after me. I decided I must knit her something immediately. Tired of baby sweaters and socks, I decided to try out some pants. I perused Ravelry and settled on Ze Tiny Pants. The pattern is written for a newborn-3 month size. It’s pretty easy to adapt and I followed Catrinea’s example and knit them top down.

One pair is a DK weight. I started with 84 stitches and did 1×1 ribbing. The pattern calls for garter stitch, but I thought ribbing would be faster and just as attractive. After 2.75″ of ribbing I increased to 114 (sorry, didn’t take great notes), then knit about 1.25 inches before doing mirrored increases every 6 rounds in the center front for 3 times. After the third set of increases I did some short rows in the back to give a little butt curve for diapers. Then I divided the leg and decreased every few rounds till there were 46 sts per leg and then did 2″ of ribbing. This ended up being close to a 6 month size, rather than a newborn size, which will work out better for this baby. The yarn for this is Happy Feet DK in Lemon-Lime Sherbet. This used about 3/4 of a skein.

pants-2For the fingering weight version I took even fewer notes, but I know I started with 94 and increased to 126 after the ribbing. On these legs I did more rapid decreases, every other row on the inside of the leg (2 sts per leg) because I felt I would not have enough yarn otherwise. These are also in the 6 month size range. This yarn is some Koigu KPPPM (no idea of color number) and some Shibui Sock in Teal. I used a full skein of the Koigu and about 2/3 of a skein of the Shibui. pantsI am woefully behind on taking pictures of Marin, but it will happen soon. We traveled most of the week and even though I was wearing Marin often, it somehow didn’t occur to me to get photos of it. Oh well!