I finished my Summer Night colorway socks, designed by Arne and Carlos. In my excitement over their beauty and my love of the yarn, I almost immediately had to cast on the Fall Night colorway of their Regia line. It seems appropriate timing, given we are just at the very end of fall. fall nightadore this yarn. This is approximately two day’s knitting time with sole focus when I could, because I was so eager to see a complete repeat. It may be cheating a bit because the yarn is doing all of the work, but I find self striping yarns to be magical, especially these crazy Fair Isle lookalikes. My excitement is nearly doubled knowing that these will wear and wear and wear. I have some Regia socks I made back in probably 2007 or 2008 that are just beginning to thin on the ball of the foot. I wear them at least once a week or more (depending on laundry speed) in cold weather because I often save my softest and most lovely merinos for when I won’t be on my feet wearing them out all day. I wash them and dry them with abandon. I have another pair that I’ve had nearly as long that gets the same treatment. That kind of durability is incredible for a hand knit that gets squashed and bears a heavy load all day long. Hurrah for hard wearing sock yarn!

The third edition of Arne and Carlos Regia yarns is out or coming soon. I’m pumped. How the hell am I ever going to knit through all my sock yarn?!