I got the opportunity to try out some Regia 6-ply yarn in my very favorite Arne and Carlos colorway, fall night. Recently I got a hole in a pair of Regia socks and contacted their customer service to replace the yarn (since they have that 10 year guarantee listed on the ball band). I had a wonderful customer service experience and they also sent me some 6-ply yarn in the Arne and Carlos line to try. Matt is very fortunate because he will be the recipient of these socks. When I made a pair of socks for myself in the fall night colorway out of the 4-ply he originally thought the colors would be too girly. Then he saw the socks and regretted his choice.
Fortunately for me, knitting socks in the heavier yarn for him means that I only have to cast on 75 percent of the usual number of stitches I use for socks for him. This seemed to be true for the sport weight socks I cast on for myself a while back as well. I’m not sure I would say that’s always true, but I’ll have to test it out a few more times to be certain.
I have been knitting, I swear, even though I realized I haven’t blogged in ages. If you follow my Instagram account you might have seen that much of my lovely work on Flaum was promptly frogged when I realized I was doing the Fisherman’s rib on only one side of the sweater. I’ll explain more about that later, but that sweater was being punished in time out for about a week, then it’s been back on and eating up much of my time. I’ve also been crazy busy at my actual job and I’m so thrilled about that. It’s left me with less knitting time, or sometimes I’m too tired to knit. More soon!
How do you knit your socks? Looks like a crochet hook? Thx Joy
I use a 40″ circular needle and use the magic loop method.
OMGosh, I didn’t know about that 10 year guarantee! I have Summer Night which were made into Rose City Rollers before our Seattle trip last year. I love that yarn. I had ordered a ball from Loveknitting.com b/c they had a % off for the first order. I didn’t know it was just 50g but that was okay as I made shorties. How fun to try a new colorway. How cool they are.
great news on the 10 year guarantee! I knit a pair of socks in this yarn for my husband and he is tough on socks. Love your new pair!
Those colors are amazing! Love them!
Oh wow, so the guarantee is a real thing then! I’ve been wondering if anyone has asked for a new skein for it.