Another lovely friend is having a baby soon and I just can’t stop making Pinwheel Blankets out of Tanis’ amazing DK color palettes. They knit up more quickly than the fingering weight versions I used to make and she puts such stunning color combinations together. This kit is called Dusty Rose. I highly recommend these palettes, or just TFA yarn in general. This yarn is super soft and also washable, so you don’t have to hold your breath and hope that your lovely knitted gift won’t be destroyed by a tumble through the washer and dryer.

My friend is having a baby girl soon and I wanted to make her something that would be elegant, feminine, but not over-the-top-hit-you-in-the-face-with-pink-pink, because that’s far too common in the world of baby girls. These photos were taken just a few minutes before I went to the baby shower, because it was only then that I remembered I hadn’t taken photos yet. Therefore, you can see a bit of the pumpkin and various other things on my porch I didn’t have the brain space to remove at the time. Ah, life.

We had a whirlwind weekend last weekend with three Halloween-related parties, and this baby shower. I feel like I’m still catching my breath.

I am incredibly thrilled to show off Marshal soon. It’s finally all done and after our recent warm snap is over here tomorrow I can wear it! I got a few pictures last night and I’ll try for a few more tonight now that Zooey is willing to step in as an amateur and interested photographer. She’s really pretty good at it, though my d90 is really heavy for her small hands. She tells me how to angle things, which I greatly appreciate. More about that soon!