These socks sat on my needles for ages because the were always a filler project when I needed something repetitive and meditative to take along different places.

The yarn is Vesper Sock in Spring Sonata. I love the pop of colors. The yarn is not so soft, however. This is my second time using Vesper Sock. The first was back in 2010ish, and the yarn felt very different then. Either I’ve inadvertently chosen a different base, or they switched things up between my two purchases. The yarn feels like it will hold up well, but it’s not exactly soft and cozy.

These are my usual recipe, toe-up two at a time with a heel flap. If you want the recipe, check out any of my free or for a fee sock patterns. These sat all summer in my WIP basket on top of my bookshelf, finished aside from the bind off. A couple of weeks ago on an organizing streak I finally made myself just finish them and get them out of the basket. There was no reason not to finish them sooner, aside from the fact that they were not needed in the heat. I’m a bit bored by socks these days, but I’ll always have some on the needles because someone always needs some socks, and they’re easy and very portable.

Now, back to the more enchanting knitting!