In the past few months my husband and I have been learning to play Dungeons and Dragons. We started out with a duet campaign and have now started a new one with a couple of friends. One friend in the party did not have her own dice yet and these came as a bonus gift with an order from Die Hard Dice. I decided these should go to my friend, and I should make a matching bag for storage.

The yarn is some leftover Koigu KPPPM that I used for ornaments at Christmas. I wanted something with purple to match the dice, because there is plenty of purple hanging out in my stash. I was obsessively watching a new teen superhero drama on Netflix called I Am Not Ok with This and stayed up too late knitting this at the same time because it was doable in a couple of hours.
If you feel like making your own dice the pattern is really simple. I cast on 40 stitches over 2 needles using Judy’s Magic Cast on to make this using magic loop. I knit for 2 rows, then did mirrored increases on the next row like this: *K1, M1R, knit until 2 stitches from the end of side, M1L, k1*, rep from * to *one time. Then I knit 3 rounds, did another increase round, knit 7 rounds, then I did a mirrored decrease round. The mirrored decrease round went like *K1, ssk, knit until 3 from end of side, K2tog, k1*, rep from * to * one more time. Knit 7 more rounds, decrease round, 7 rounds, decrease round, then 3 rounds. On the next round I made holes for the cord with yarn overs evenly spaced over the round. I made 10 holes total. Then I knit 7 more rounds and bound off. I made a 2 stitch I-cord about 8 inches long and wove it through the holes of the pouch.

Dungeons and Dragons has been taking up a good chunk of my mental space lately, but it’s SO FUN. I am also slowly studying up on how to be the Dungeon Master for a game at some point, and that’s quite a bit of an undertaking.
Oh what fun! Enjoy the learning and the game! Much less complex, but we played Magic and Warcraft for many years and it was great couple time 😀
This is really cool! My guy has been into it for a few months as well (and has a handknit dicebag now, too). He hasn’t started playing yet though, not enough time and he is super meticulous in planning and reading up on a ton of stuff; a few of his colleagues play though, so maybe this would be something we could do together! What do you play?
So far we have played the Crystalline Curse Trilogy made for one person being the DM and one being the player, found on the blog It was a great two player game and was my husband’s first experience as a DM. Now we are playing the Lost Mines of Phandolin with another couple and Matt is running a second game with some friends. There are lots and lots of great adventures ready to go that are published. That seems like the best way for us to dive in with some good support. Matt has watched a lot of Matt Colville’s YouTube channel, Running the Game. It has excellent tips. He and I are also both reading Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master, and he just started reading Your Best Game Ever by Monte Cook. And I’m listening to some Critical Role podcast episodes to hear what really experienced players sound like. It’s been taking up lots of brain space, but it’s a wonderful distraction from stressors. Making characters is pretty fun too. I was an elf Druid in our two person game, and now I’m a halfling rogue in the current one.
thank you so much for the link!! I’ll check it out, maybe this would be something for us … I tried Critical Role, but have to admit that the number of players was a little too much for me somehow (I started at the beginning though, so it might be that this was solved later. I did try (and like) “Not Another DnD Podcast”, that ws hilarious (and had only three players plus DM). My guy has been religiously listening to a German DnD podcast, and there are some online places where you can sign up for games, too. I am absolutely up for making a character and going into exploring it … I’d mostly go for Dwarf, Halfling or Gnome, I think.
You might also try The Adventure Zone podcast. Fewer players and some are newbies.
I’ll check it out! Thank you!
Cute pattern. My mind started thinking of all the things I could do with a little pouch pattern! Thank you for sharing!