These are strange times, friends. COVID-19 has swiftly and ferociously taken over the so much of the collective mental space. I hope you all are washing your hands like never before and staying home as much as you can. As much as my extroverted self craves people, I’m trying to be patient and understand that we’re all in this together.
I’m still knitting a lot, so that’s not much of a change from the norm. I’m really fortunate that I can still work. I’m a therapist and I’m very lucky to be able to provide therapy via video and phone methods. Not every client is up for this, and I don’t blame them. I can’t remember where I heard the comparison of that being like “therapy with a condom on,” but it’s apt. There’s a lot to be said for being in the room with another human.

Today’s knitting is Livie. This shawl pattern is by Tamy Gore. It’s a gorgeous shawl and the pattern is well written and easy to follow. The yarn is Hedgehog Fibres and I’m using the exact same colors she did in the sample. They are Rusty Nail and Seed. I love the way this shawl looks when worn as shown on Ravelry. I like the variety of stripes and light lace action. I can tell this shawl will be a nice transition piece for changing weather, and it seems like it will have good drape.
How are you all coping with social distancing? What is on your needles?
Hi Cassy! Your post cheered me up. Hello from California.
I’m working on a pair of green socks that I casted on on St Patrick’s Day. Spring doesn’t quite feel like spring without the festivities so these are my little reminder. My non-knitting friends all say that I’ll get tons of knitting done during the shelter-in-place. Jokes on them—I’m a slow knitter!
Xx Kat
Hello! I like that you’re celebrating with casting on new socks! We’ve got to hold on to all of the good that we can. We aren’t quite at a shelter-in-place scenario here in Arkansas yet, but that’s partly because we are so behind in testing. Take care, and I hope you get lots of knitting time.
Gorgeous! I’m actually knitting something similar – a new test knit shawl that has garter stitch, lace, and short rows – the perfect mix of relaxing and engaging
That’s great! We all need some soothing knitting right now.
I am knitting a jumper for my daughter’s 40th. She wanted a jumper similar to one I had knitted for her father many years ago. The pattern is a fisherman’s jumper with motifs from the county I was born and grew up in and the area where my mother was born. The jumper will have meaning to my daughter.
That is lovely! That will definitely be an heirloom piece.
That is super beautiful! I love the colour combination,the rust looks wonderful.
I’m glad that you can still work – my therapist had to cancel yesterday, but said he’d continue to have folks in his office, but nobody is allowed to bring someone and they WILL get hand sanitizer first thing instead of a handshake! 😉
I am currently working on a Leventry shawl and, first and foremost, my second sweater (Windswept by tincanknits). I am super excited to see it finished!!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you and your family so you don’t get cabin fever.
Congratulations on a second sweater project!!! I admire your therapist. I’m too nervous to do in person things still, and I anticipate that we will have a shelter in place order coming at some time, so we might have to get used to this. Luckily some of the big insurance companies are being really supportive of telehealth, waiving costs for people that have copays to encourage it.
I’m glad that they are waiving the costs, seriously – my therapist is a little older, and I guess it would be too much of a hassle to put it all up (also, they implanted a new system at the beginning of the year, and he’s been on te warpath with it ever since, because they messes up the connection or what …).
I can totally understand that you are nervous! I like being at home, so the “please stay at home” orders don’t affect me as much, but it’s still straining of course. My hometown issued a gathering ban yesterday for groups larger than 3 and … phew.
Hi Cassie. I’m finding is hard to concentrate, and so easy, quick projects work best right now. Lots of bright coloured baby sweaters to cheer me up! Putting in orders to online yarn suppliers and at the same time eyeing my stash, realizing that there is actually already lots to keep me going. But this is a great excuse to stock up! . I’m an RN and the are difficult and stressful times, balancing home and work. Knitting brings peace and gentle distraction.
Oh my gosh, I’m sure you are stressed to the max! You have one of the hardest jobs out there right now. Thank you for doing the work you do!
I too have been taking comfort in a massive stash and online shopping… I think cheerful baby sweaters sound like a perfect project. 🙂
Hi Cassy. Last week I had a hard time even knitting I was so full of stress, but I’m getting back to the point where I can knit again. My knitting group did a virtual meetup on Sunday. Just got some more undyed yarn, too, so maybe I’ll get some dyeing in this weekend. I love the colors on your shawl!