Hello from the social distancing palace, aka my 900 square foot house with four humans, two cats, and thankfully, lots of yarn. It’s hard not to feel on top of each other during rainy days like today, but all in all, I think we are doing better than I expected.

Oh, yeah. Knitting. This is a Patenten pullover that I started a month or so ago. The yarn is some Miss Babs Yummy 3-Ply that I got at Rhinebeck a couple of years back. The color is Coos Bay. I’m really longing for a big event like that, or just people in general. I bet lots of you are as well.

After finishing Flaum a little while back (in the olden days when we could still see people), I had a desire to keep doing some lovely lovely fisherman’s rib. I searched Ravelry for a pullover meeting roughly my yarn yardage requirements and weight. This was the closest thing I could find that I loved, so here we go. I’ve done the body to the point where the sleeves should be joined, and I’ve done the sleeves almost to the point where they are joined to the body. This design has longer armholes than I am used to making in sweaters, but I’m going to just roll with it an hope for the best. I can always rip and alter it if it doesn’t work.
Fuck, y’all. It feels like the world is collapsing around us. How are you coping? I’ve had a good Marco Polo thread going with some friends, and some video hangouts planned. I’m trying to focus on being grateful for our safety and health right now. I hope you all are being safe and taking social distancing seriously. If you have tips for how you are coping please feel free to share them in the comments.
I don’t have much in the way of suggestions. I’m glad I can work from home, but it is WEIRD. I hope y’all stay well. keep on knitting. I LOVE fisherman’s rib.
This is such a comfy-looking knit! Wow, I totally love it. Fisherman’s rib is somehow so soothing and I can’t remember right now whether you said you love or hate garter stitch, but I love it, and Fisherman’s rib is about the same level of comfort knitting somehow.
I …. feel a bit weird for tooting my own horn, but I did write a blog post a while ago with suggestions of what you can do, you need to scroll a bit, it’s called “What to do, what to do” (not linking here, but I can of course).
I finally finished my sweater and am working on a shawl right now – I’ll start my next sweater later and I’m itching to cast on a cardigan for my little niece … We’ll see. π Keep it up!!
I love that! Link away!! I also love garter stitch. Garter is super super soothing.
Alright, then here you are! https://wp.me/p2uz2o-WC I hope you find something. π
Alright, I tried to, but it might have ended up in your spam filter. π Post is called “What to do, what to do”, you can also just go on the blog and scroll a bit. π
My Zoom meet ups are keeping me going at the moment. I joined a new knit group on Zoom last night and it was brilliant! A wee bit chaotic sometimes, but so lovely to meet new people and get some connection.
I am doing ok. I am a real homebody by nature, and my home tends to be a very quiet place. I would be lost with out my faith, my family and of course, my knitting! We are caring of, yet distancing from, my 93 yr old mother who lives across the street. You bet we are taking this seriously because it could literally be the death of her. I will do anything in my power to keep her well.
God Bless you!
Please take care of yourself.