THANK YOU to all of the people in the United States that got out and voted for Biden, especially the women of color that showed up and had the greatest impact on this outcome. As much as I feel a modicum of relief, there is still so much work to be done. There is so much systemic racism to acknowledge and dismantle. There is so much hatred, division, xenophobia, distrust of the media, anit-intellectualism, distrust of science, dispute about what a fucking fact is, etc. I was super excited to attend a webinar at the local university by Ijeoma Oluo and she was so fucking awesome. When a participant asked about what to say to friends and family about racism when worried about offending them, she commented that we have to stop treating white people “like they will melt” and that one of the easier ways to talk about it is to talk about your own journey learning about racism and privilege. LOVE THAT. I’m about halfway through her book, So You Want to Talk About Race and it’s incredible.I highly recommend it.

So, knitting: I finished these little kiddo socks for Z a few days ago. They’re made with some Hedgehog Sock Beach Bunny that I used on a sweater for C (not yet photographed). I’ve had struggles with fitting socks well for Z the last couple of times I made socks for her. This time while going toe-up I made the heel flap longer than I have before. She wears size 2 shoes. I made the sock 11 centimeters long before the heel flap and then made the heel flap 8 centimeters before the turn. I thought the gusset would be oddly tall for the sock, so for the decrease row I did sssk and k3tog decreases instead of ssk and k2tog ones. I think it worked pretty well, but it could be tweaked a bit more. She’s happy with the fit and I’m happy that she finally has a cute pair of socks that fit.

I immediately cast some on for Charlotte when I finished these. Kid socks are sort of potato chip knitting and more satisfying when it comes to gusset decreases, because sometimes when I’m doing the gusset decrease socks on adult socks, it feels like they take forever.