Warm kiddo

If you’re not into looking at a gagillion cute kiddo pictures, turn away now. I warned you. I finished up the knitting on this yesterday, weaved in all my ends, and sewed the name tag into the sweater too. You’re looking at Z’s Abate:The pictures are...

Day 5

I didn’t get to knit on Nanook at all yesterday after work or in the evening. I was briefly consumed with knitting up a fast little toddler hat for Z, since the ones she wore last year are don’t quite provide enough coverage. I’ll have more details...


The men’s cardigan pattern is finally here! Hi-ya! I’m thrilled to finally release it! Check out some details here. It’s in time for NaKniSweMo! I decided on the name Bespoken, because the word carries meaning of customization and commitment. I...

Lost and found

First, some winners! Congrats to Knockonwool, Sewjessica, and Shoelaceswitcher, as their comment numbers were chosen by a random number generator.  I’ll be sending you Ravelry messages and you can tell me which of my patterns you would like! The men’s...

Seven years later.

It’s my 7 year blogiversary! Heck yes. I think this blog is getting better with age, or at least it gets increasingly more fun for me to write. How can we not improve at something we routinely practice? I really wish I was celebrating my blogiversary at...

We have sleeves!

Thanks for all of the thoughtful and sweet comments on my last post. I’m glad this is something other bloggers think about as well. My biggest secret project that was ripped out Monday night is still taking a breather for the most part this week. We’re on...

Your purl side is showing

I lost it a little bit on Monday night when I realized that my biggest secret project (Ravelry members only link since the recipient isn’t a Raveler) looked too small. I swatched, and even blocked my swatch, but it was nagging at me. When I measured the center...

Already thinking about NaKniSweMo…

Thanks to this post in my blog feed yesterday, my head is already in November, planning to knit a sweater. Sure, according to Ravelry I technically have EIGHT WIPs, but I’m not going to let that stop me from fantasizing. I really thought I would have been...

This post is brought to you by the letter O.

Super secret projects aside, this is what I’m working on when I’m not knitting baby/toddler socks. The pattern is Oshima by Jared Flood. I finished the sleeves awhile ago. It’s nice to have them done. They were fairly simple. I enjoyed trying a...