This end up

This end up

First, it’s my 36th birthday and if you use the code HAPPY36 in the next week, you can get any of my designs for 36% off. Eventually I’ll get so old I’m going to be giving them away for free! Now, for the knitting content… I’m working...
Aperture, now with a gradient!

Aperture, now with a gradient!

As mentioned previously, I adore my first Aperture shawl. It continues to be my go-to for taking to my office while I avoid shivering under the air conditioning vent. I knew I would probably make another, but didn’t think it would happen so soon. When packing...
Welcome to the frog pond

Welcome to the frog pond

Sometimes you finish a knit and it’s just disappointing. That’s how I feel about Over the Top Top. Don’t get me wrong, it’s adorable in the sample photos, and perhaps could be with some alterations, but the moment I tried it on I had a feeling...
Aperture in Denver

Aperture in Denver

I have finished objects to share, and haven’t been able to keep up with the official posed, taken by my SLR camera, and processed in Lightroom photographs I usually aim for. Instead, I went on a little vacation and with Matt’s help I took a bunch of...
Ah, linen

Ah, linen

When I was seeking out summer tops I fell in love with a few and bundled them in my Ravelry favorites. I was attracted to Astonish Top because it’s made from linen and cotton (it’s freaking hot in Arkansas), and also has a relaxed and breezy look. It also...
Pile of lace

Pile of lace

I’m back at working on Aperture Shawl after a break to solely focus on Over the Top Top. While Over the Top Top (what a mouthful) is blocking, Aperture Shawl has moved back into my field of attention. I really enjoy working on this and can’t wait to see...