Derailed by socks

Oops. I cast on some socks instead of working on my previously stated goals for Ravellenics. Eh, they’re pretty. It’s some Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock Multi in Fiddlehead. I got this at a stash swap a few months back. I really just felt like casting...

A wee frog

I’m making pretty good progress on this Pensacola Sweater for the Tell Them of Us film. You can see the picture for the pattern, detailed notes about my knitting, and a link to the whole pattern booklet on my Ravelry project page. I won’t be writing up the...

Historical knits

I’ve been swatching to make a sweater for a film called Tell Them of Us. Many knitters are participating in a project called Orkney to Omaha that involves recreating historical knits. I’ve been assigned the following sweater: Here is the yarn: I received...

The two week sweater!

I’m done ahead of schedule! Hurrah. Hooray for worsted weight knits. I know some knitters are keeping diligent count on the stitches to make sure they meet the requirement of 50,000 stitches. Honestly, I have no idea, but I’m assuming this does meet that....

Day 14

Technically, these pictures are from Day 13 of NaKniSweMo, taken mid-day in some weird lighting, but whatever. I might be an inch further along. Nanook is growing! I made the sleeves a little longer than written in the pattern. I think I went about 4 cm extra before...

Day 5

I didn’t get to knit on Nanook at all yesterday after work or in the evening. I was briefly consumed with knitting up a fast little toddler hat for Z, since the ones she wore last year are don’t quite provide enough coverage. I’ll have more details...