Yarn trance

Yarn trance

It’s never a great feeling when you suddenly realize you haven’t been paying attention to a pattern at all and have gone far beyond what you were supposed to in terms of next steps. UGH. That’s where I’m at today. I’m making Uniform, Build Your Own Cardigan by Carrie...
What a little Kool-Aid can do

What a little Kool-Aid can do

I’ve dabbled in dyeing with Kool-Aid before. Knitty has a fantastic article about how to do it that I use as a reference each time I try to do this. Recently, I washed a bunch of knits together and something bled. The article that I think was the offender has...
Knitting experiments

Knitting experiments

I’m in love with this Kelbourne Woolens Scout yarn this year, so naturally I decided to make another sweater out of it. This heather and navy together seemed like a great combination. I knew I wanted some stripes, so I thought single stripes would be fun. I...
Before and after

Before and after

I’m working on an Anker’s Summer Shirt and it’s been a bit chaotic for such a simple knit. The pattern mentions that the shirt will stretch about 2 inches when worn. I did a quick swatch and it seemed like the US size 6 needles were the right ones...
The dreaded crinkly yarn

The dreaded crinkly yarn

Those of you who have made mistakes before that require extensive frogging (ripping out your knitting) are likely well acquainted with the meaning of individually rolled balls of yarn with crinkly yarn coming off of them. Yep. I’ve done some ripping of sleeves...
Welcome to the frog pond

Welcome to the frog pond

Sometimes you finish a knit and it’s just disappointing. That’s how I feel about Over the Top Top. Don’t get me wrong, it’s adorable in the sample photos, and perhaps could be with some alterations, but the moment I tried it on I had a feeling...