My singular Christmas knit

Happy New Years! I hope everyone has a festive (and safe) evening tonight. My sole Christmas knit was a pair of Wending arm warmers. It was a pretty stress-free Christmas. My family draws names for gift giving, so I only have three people to plan for gift-wise: Matt,...

Some light Christmas knitting

My Christmas knitting is very light this year, just how I like it. I’m only making a Latte Baby Coat for Z and a pair of Wending wristers for a party that shall not be named yet. The Latte Baby Coat is out of Cascade Eco+ in Lichen: The color reminds me of...


This has been an intense semester so far. My workload in my PhD program has nearly doubled from last semester. In addition to this, I am 13 weeks pregnant. Thus, the blog upkeep and project posting has been put on the back burner. These fingerless gloves are a little...

Sweatshop knitting

So, I’ve been making arm warmers for days on end. They don’t let me eat, or even have water. I haven’t had a bath in days. Just knitting. And knitting. Oh, my god…they’re coming with the whips again…I’ve got to...

Speed knitting, indeed.

These are the wrist warmers from Speed Knitting that I’ve been working on. They are so quick to knit up. I started them at knit club and goofed off for most of the night and I just finished them. I’d say they take about 2 1/2 hours to complete at the most....