Eight years

I just remembered today is my 8th blogiversary. I’ve been knitting for a little over 10 years, and I guess I’ve been talking about it online for almost as long. As an extrovert, I love finding ways to communicate with others, especially about one of my...

6 years!

Today is the 6th anniversary of my blog! I can’t believe how much has changed in the past year or two, and I feel like a quite different person from when I started this blog. I think all of your body cells regenerate every 7 years or so, so next year at this...

We are all works in progress

Hello Reader! It’s my blogiversary! Welcome! Today is the fourth anniversary of my blog.  It seems like such little time has passed. I began this blog when I met my friend Lynda Jo and started getting back into knitting. I didn’t really even have an...