Sleeves to keep me warm

I’ve been plugging away on my NaKniSweMo sweater goals. After finishing the back of Paloma I moved straight to the sleeves, because for some reason they always seem to be torturously long if I leave them till the end of the project. I did them second to get them...


I finally decided on a NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater in a Month) sweater pattern. I chose Paloma, by Thea Colman, a cozy and winter-perfect sweater. I had some Cascade Ecological Wool in my stash that I’ve been earmarking for a sweater like this. The color...

Continued progress

I’ve made some continued progress on the knitting of Vitamin D.  I finished the sleeves, which the pattern instructs to finish before doing the body.  It’s nice to have them done, and I now know if I have a little extra yarn I can tack on an extra inch...

Fortifying for fall

When I was having a rough day last week I cast on a Vitamin D.  There’s nothing like casting on a new project as a pick-me-up.  I’m making about a 35″ chest size.  Since the yarn I wanted to use came out nicely at a 22 sts and 28 rows over 4 inches,...

Day 14

Technically, these pictures are from Day 13 of NaKniSweMo, taken mid-day in some weird lighting, but whatever. I might be an inch further along. Nanook is growing! I made the sleeves a little longer than written in the pattern. I think I went about 4 cm extra before...