by Cassy | Jun 28, 2013 | Knitting, WIP
I often personify my knits and talk about them as if they have personalities. I know I’m not alone in this. Sometimes they soothe us, sometimes they anger us, delight us, keep us up at night. We love them and cuddle them. We sometimes blame them for things....
by Cassy | Jun 20, 2013 | Knitting, WIP
This is my Nuvem thus far. I’m on the fourth color in about a week and a half of sole focus. That’s 708 yards down. This next color contrast is not as stark, but I think it will balance well in blending to brown tones. One of my trusted advisors likes to...
by Cassy | Jun 18, 2013 | Knitting, WIP
Working on Nuvem is soothing. The alpaca/bamboo blend slides over my fingers and I only have to think about 8 increases every other row. I can do it while reading and mindlessness of it relaxes me. I’m sure I’m not alone in finding stockinette to work like...
by Cassy | Jun 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
What is it with me and stockinette projects? I do get a thrill out of completing complicated lace and cables. I love the way they look. I guess at this point in my life, I really love projects that I can pick up and put down without stressing about remembering a...
by Cassy | Apr 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
Yesterday was a good day for a little bit of blocking. I’ve got the Ellybob Cardigan on my Knit Picks foam blocking boards, and Ishbel on my larger board from WEBS and blocking wires on the straight edge. I’m pleased to be at this stage on both. I feel...