What else can I say about socks?

What else can I say about socks?

Do you have a favorite recipe? It’s dependable, delicious, and you don’t mind making and consuming it over and over. That’s how I feel about stockinette socks. I’m just going to keep making them. Forever. I don’t get tired of the soothing...
Socks I almost forgot!

Socks I almost forgot!

In the rush to get the second Endpaper Mitt done I totally forgot some socks I started in mid December when I was at the coolest psychotherapy conference ever. This yarn is the color Biker Chick in the Estrellita base from Miss Babs Yarns. The color was haunting my...
What else can I say about socks?

What else can I say about socks?

I’ve finished another pair of socks. Gasp! Surely not me! I never knit socks! (Insert plenty of sarcasm here). Put “sock” in the search bar on the side and you’ll see what I mean…The pattern is called Staccato Socks and the yarn is...
Invisible socks

Invisible socks

These simple, unobtrusive socks were the aforementioned project that I worked on for several weeks in Matt’s presence without him noticing them. I had teased him a little bit when I asked him if he knew what he was getting for Christmas. He assumed he would get...
Projects that decide they are for someone else

Projects that decide they are for someone else

I thought these socks were for me when I started them. I truly did. This pattern is the Staccato Socks pattern from Knitting Socks with Handpainted Yarn. The yarn is Bittersweet Woolery Guilty Pleasures in Crocus. This yarn is special to me. I bought it at my first...