Socks in bed

Dear readers, I am officially on bed rest until my second kiddo comes. I’m 34.5 weeks, but yesterday I started feeling some contractions and went to the doctor to get checked. I’m a few centimeters dilated so my doctor ordered me to be on bed rest until...

A little Neighborly

I thought I was done making Zooey sweaters for this year, but it turns out that I might just have an urge to make a little vest. I’m several inches past the armpit on Breezy (update soon), but that feels like sloooow progress and I needed some instant...

NaKniSweMo, toddler version

Keeping up with my NaKniSweMo 2014 goals, I’ve started a sweater for Z. It’s an Abate. I made her one last year as well, but I decided to go a size up this year to make one that would fit next year too. She wears a lot of leggings, and oversized sweaters...

Happy Sunday!

It’s been an excellent Sunday so far. We had a lovely brunch with some great friends, and I have some decent progress to share on a Gathering Stripes pullover for Zooey.  I’m making the 2T size on a size 3 needle. It’s one size smaller than the...

More rejected knitwear

Ok, ok. I’m trying to be cool about this. I finished this Like Sleeves tunic several weeks ago and so far the few attempts to put it on Z for a picture have been met with staunch refusal. I still have hope. We haven’t had many cold days, so I have only...