Rift has been in my hands often in the past couple of weeks. I think I expected to have made a little more progress at this point, somehow forgetting that I have a full-time job, two kids, a husband, and an active social life as well. In my brain I sometimes live in a knitting paradise where I’m able to gather with a group of friends and knit to my heart’s content for hours of the day. Sounds like I need a knitting retreat.rift-2

In the meantime…I’ll knit when I can and treasure the balance it brings to my sanity when it happens. Maybe some of you feel this way. I get positively frazzled if I don’t get to knit at all during a day. It feels like someone poured boiling hot water over my brain and agitated it until it felted. My expectations for being able to knit for hours of the day have long ago waned, but I must put yarn to needles at some point during the day to really feel like I’m engaging in good self-care. I carry a project (or sometimes two) everywhere. I knit at work during meetings and that actually gets me more total knitting time during the week than I usually get on the weekends.

Oh, right. The sweater. Rift is lovely so far. It’s not a brain teaser as it’s mostly stockinette, but it’s like pulling out a book you’ve read time and time again and still love. I am loving the Shelter (color=Faded Quilt) so far. I decided I would have to add some length to the body and I fretted over having enough yarn, so I called Knit Purl where I purchased it and they luckily still had a few of the dye lot. By the way, if you are a new subscriber and join their mailing list you get 15% off your next purchase. That’s a great thing when buying a sweater’s worth of yarn! The single extra ball is on it’s way and I can continue with a more relaxed outlook. riftI think the ribbing took me about two weeks all by itself because I was finishing Z’s Bitty Breezy and only working on this at home at night between kid bedtime and my not-long-after crash. The tiny teal flecks in the tweed are my favorite.

Now I have to get to work and go knit in a meeting. Hurrah for a gentle start to the day.