Learning and growing

Learning and growing

About a week ago I posted about my finished Tegna sweater, with the sentiment that I was pretty disappointed in the designer for blocking BIPOC women for no reason on Instagram. She has since issued a seemingly sincere apology, which is a great start. I think the jury...
SSKAL19 update

SSKAL19 update

I feel like this League SSKAL 2019 project is finally well underway after flip-flopping about my colors on the front end. The back is complete and blocked. I’m trying to block pieces as I finish because my blocking board only has room for a back and two sleeves,...
Serious startitis

Serious startitis

My knitting brain is fully ready for fall knits, while the weather (until today) has been mostly ridiculously scorchingly hot and humid here in Arkansas. Shown here are the wee beginnings of a Nightshift by Andrea Mowry. I’ve admired this shawl for some time and...
Reasons to love algebra

Reasons to love algebra

For the math averse, fear not. This post includes some very very light math that can unlock your options for knitting patterns. It’s simpler than you think. Let’s be clear though, I’m not highly adept at most math. This is my best way to explain...
Rerouting already…

Rerouting already…

Sooooo, I’ve already changed my mind about the colors for my SSKAL League sweater. I kept thinking it over and it was nagging at my brain that I would not like the navy with the bright orange. I gave in and decided that buying one more skein would not be a...
Tweedy deliciousness

Tweedy deliciousness

This knitting story started with some irresistible silky tweed yarn from my LYS. I saw the BC Garn Tussah Tweed in this delightful color (rust aqua) and knew I had to make something with it. I bought four skeins and stashed it for a couple of months until I found the...